Dogs intuitively understand this technique and will
sometimes present the part of their body that they would like worked on,
before even starting.
This technique is really
effective to help your dog to become more bodily aware, relaxation,
calmness and to help aid with many different situations that may have
encounted throughout their doggie lives, to name a few;
Dog attack
Going to the vets
General relaxation
Tummy upset
Becoming more bonded with your dog
Behaviourial Issues
Going to the vets
General relaxation
Tummy upset
Becoming more bonded with your dog
Behaviourial Issues
This simple technique has 3 main parts,
Spiral work using hands on or off your dog
Spiral work using hands on or off your dog
yourself and your dog to be with one during this session, letting
everything else go and concentrating on the breathing and your intent to
help your dog and what you would like to change for them.
These sessions are one to one or can be done in group sessions if you feel more at ease, it can be arranged.
personally found that using Dolpin symbols as part of the session,
makes the process more stronger as dolphins are very strong with their
energies and as they are omni dimensional, omni meaning, all, they hear
everything in stereo sound.
Story of Stewie
heartfelt story of Stewie, is a perfect way to show people how Reiki
can help in so many ways, bring, joy and love all around.
Stewie is a very timid, nervous and very reactive Shiba Inu.
He was caged for 4 years of his life, until a lady rescued him and took him back to her Shiba rescue to help him find a loving forever home.
He was caged for 4 years of his life, until a lady rescued him and took him back to her Shiba rescue to help him find a loving forever home.
did Janice know that because of Stewie's past, he was very reactive and
with no indication on him going to bite, he would just go. Janice has
never come across this and most dogs would be put to sleep, but she
didnt give up. She contacted me and i went to meet her and Stewie.
You couldnt touch him, brush him, wash him. Her main concern was no sign of him going to bite, if he was nervous and the reactive side to him. I started to work with him from afar, with my intent to help him relaxing and open his heart chakra, and start to trust what i was doing.
Using simple spirial movements from a distance concentrating on his body. Within twenty mins of doing this, I could see him dropping and his eyes got heavy and started to lay down and trust me.
Slowly, but carefully i moved closer towards him and finally after thirty minutes i could touch him, stroke him and reaasure him that I was here to help him, in every way possible.
This was only in one session, it was amazing and I felt so overwhelmed that could help this beautiful boy.
One to one session
First initial consultation
Second session onwards
Block sessions booked of 5 £10 discount